\newcommand{\Uzero }{\mathrm{0}}
\newcommand{\Uone }{\mathrm{1}}
\newcommand{\Utwo }{\mathrm{2}}
\newcommand{\Ufour }{\mathrm{4}}
\newcommand{\Ufive }{\mathrm{5}}
\newcommand{\Usix }{\mathrm{6}}
\newcommand{\Unine }{\mathrm{9}}
\newcommand{\Jzero }{\mathit{0}}
\newcommand{\Jone }{\mathit{1}}
\newcommand{\Jtwo }{\mathit{2}}
\newcommand{\Jfour }{\mathit{4}}
\newcommand{\Jfive }{\mathit{5}}
\newcommand{\Jsix }{\mathit{6}}
\newcommand{\Jnine }{\mathit{9}}
\newcommand{\Bzero }{\boldsymbol{0}}
\newcommand{\Bone }{\boldsymbol{1}}
\newcommand{\Btwo }{\boldsymbol{2}}
\newcommand{\Bfour }{\boldsymbol{4}}
\newcommand{\Bfive }{\boldsymbol{5}}
\newcommand{\Bsix }{\boldsymbol{6}}
\newcommand{\Bnine }{\boldsymbol{9}}
\newcommand{\Balpha }{\boldsymbol{\alpha} }
\newcommand{\Bbeta }{\boldsymbol{\beta} }
\newcommand{\Bgamma }{\boldsymbol{\gamma} }
\newcommand{\Bdelta }{\boldsymbol{\delta} }
\newcommand{\Bepsilon}{\boldsymbol{\epsilon} }
\newcommand{\Bvareps }{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon} }
\newcommand{\Bzeta }{\boldsymbol{\zeta} }
\newcommand{\Beta }{\boldsymbol{\eta} }
\newcommand{\Btheta }{\boldsymbol{\theta} }
\newcommand{\Bvarthe }{\boldsymbol{\vartheta} }
\newcommand{\Biota }{\boldsymbol{\iota} }
\newcommand{\Bkappa }{\boldsymbol{\kappa} }
\newcommand{\Blambda }{\boldsymbol{\lambda} }
\newcommand{\Bmu }{\boldsymbol{\mu} }
\newcommand{\Bnu }{\boldsymbol{\nu} }
\newcommand{\Bxi }{\boldsymbol{\xi} }
\newcommand{\Bpi }{\boldsymbol{\pi} }
\newcommand{\Brho }{\boldsymbol{\rho} }
\newcommand{\Bvrho }{\boldsymbol{\varrho} }
\newcommand{\Bsigma }{\boldsymbol{\sigma} }
\newcommand{\Bvsigma }{\boldsymbol{\varsigma} }
\newcommand{\Btau }{\boldsymbol{\tau} }
\newcommand{\Bupsilon}{\boldsymbol{\upsilon} }
\newcommand{\Bphi }{\boldsymbol{\phi} }
\newcommand{\Bvarphi }{\boldsymbol{\varphi} }
\newcommand{\Bchi }{\boldsymbol{\chi} }
\newcommand{\Bpsi }{\boldsymbol{\psi} }
\newcommand{\Bomega }{\boldsymbol{\omega} }
\newcommand{\BGamma }{\boldsymbol{\Gamma} }
\newcommand{\BDelta }{\boldsymbol{\Delta} }
\newcommand{\BTheta }{\boldsymbol{\Theta} }
\newcommand{\BLambda }{\boldsymbol{\Lambda} }
\newcommand{\BXi }{\boldsymbol{\Xi} }
\newcommand{\BPi }{\boldsymbol{\Pi} }
\newcommand{\BSigma }{\boldsymbol{\Sigma} }
\newcommand{\BUpsilon}{\boldsymbol{\Upsilon} }
\newcommand{\BPhi }{\boldsymbol{\Phi} }
\newcommand{\BPsi }{\boldsymbol{\Psi} }
\newcommand{\BOmega }{\boldsymbol{\Omega} }
\newcommand{\Fzero }{\mathsf{0}}
\newcommand{\Fone }{\mathsf{1}}
\newcommand{\Ftwo }{\mathsf{2}}
\newcommand{\Ffour }{\mathsf{4}}
\newcommand{\Ffive }{\mathsf{5}}
\newcommand{\Fsix }{\mathsf{6}}
\newcommand{\Fnine }{\mathsf{9}}
\newcommand{\Kzero }{\mathfrak{0}}
\newcommand{\Kone }{\mathfrak{1}}
\newcommand{\Ktwo }{\mathfrak{2}}
\newcommand{\Kfour }{\mathfrak{4}}
\newcommand{\Kfive }{\mathfrak{5}}
\newcommand{\Ksix }{\mathfrak{6}}
\newcommand{\Knine }{\mathfrak{9}}
\newcommand{\Lin}{\mathop{\rm Lin}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\modop}{\mathop{\rm mod}\nolimits}
\renewcommand{\div}{\mathop{\rm div}\nolimits}
\newcommand\varn[3]{D_{#2}#1\cdot #3}
\newcommand{\abr}[1]{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}
\newcommand{\abrn}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
\newcommand{\deriv}[2]{\frac{d #1}{d #2}}
\newcommand{\dderiv}[2]{\frac{d^2 #1}{d {#2}^2}}
\newcommand{\partd}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
\newcommand{\dv}{\, dv}
\newcommand{\dx}{\, dx}
\newcommand{\ds}{\, ds}
\newcommand{\da}{\, da}
\newcommand{\dV}{\, dV}
\newcommand{\dA}{\, dA}
\newcommand{\dabr}[1]{\left\langle\!\left\langle #1 \right\rangle\!\right\rangle}
\newcommand{\dabrn}[1]{\langle\!\langle #1 \rangle\!\rangle}
In this post, I’ll introduce the FE formulation of a generalized linear and
coupled weak form.
Said weak formulation has the form
Find $u\in V_1$, $y\in V_2$ such that
a(u, v) &+ b(y, v) &&= c(v) \\
d(u, w) &+ e(y, w) &&= f(w) \\
for all $v\in V_1$, $w \in V_2$ where
$a(\cdot, \cdot): V_1\times V_1 \to \IR$,
$b(\cdot, \cdot): V_2\times V_1 \to \IR$,
$d(\cdot, \cdot): V_1\times V_2 \to \IR$,
$e(\cdot, \cdot): V_2\times V_2 \to \IR$
are bilinear forms and
$c(\cdot): V_1\to \IR$,
$f(\cdot): V_2\to \IR$ are linear forms.
Here, the objective is to solve for the two unknown functions $u$ and $y$. One
can also imagine an arbitrary degree of coupling between $n$ variables with $n$
We introduce the following discretizations
u_h &= \suml{J=1}{n_n^1} u^J N^J
\qquad\qquad &
v_h &= \suml{I=1}{n_n^1} u^I N^I
\qquad\qquad &
u_h, v_h\in V_{h1}
y_h &= \suml{L=1}{n_n^2} u^L N^L
w_h &= \suml{K=1}{n_n^2} u^K N^K
y_h, w_h\in V_{h2}
where the corresponding number of shape functions are $n_n^1$ and $n_n^2$, respectively.
Substituting the discretizations in \eqref{eq:coupledweakform1}, we obtain two
linear systems of equations
\suml{J=1}{n_n^1} a(N^J, N^I) \,u^J
&+ \suml{L=1}{n_n^2} b(N^L, N^I) \, y^L
&&= c(N^I) \\
\suml{J=1}{n_n^1} d(N^J, N^K) \,u^J
&+ \suml{L=1}{n_n^2} e(N^L, N^K) \, y^L
&&= f(N^K) \\
for $I=1,\dots,n_n^1$ and $K=1,\dots,n_n^2$.
We write this system as
\BA \Bu &+ \BB\By &&= \Bc \\
\BD \Bu &+ \BE\By &&= \Bf \\
\BA & \BB \\
\BD & \BE
\Bu \\ \By
\Bc \\ \Bf
where the components of given matrices and vectors are defined as
A^{I\!J} &:= a(N^J, N^I)
\qquad & B^{I\!L} &:= b(N^L, N^I)
\qquad & c^{I} &:= c(N^I)\\
D^{K\!J} &:= d(N^J, N^K)
& E^{K\!L} &:= e(N^L, N^K)
& f^{K} &:= f(N^K)\\
Solution of \eqref{eq:coupledsystem1} yields the unknown vectors $\Bu$ and $\By$.