\newcommand{\Uzero }{\mathrm{0}}
\newcommand{\Uone }{\mathrm{1}}
\newcommand{\Utwo }{\mathrm{2}}
\newcommand{\Ufour }{\mathrm{4}}
\newcommand{\Ufive }{\mathrm{5}}
\newcommand{\Usix }{\mathrm{6}}
\newcommand{\Unine }{\mathrm{9}}
\newcommand{\Jzero }{\mathit{0}}
\newcommand{\Jone }{\mathit{1}}
\newcommand{\Jtwo }{\mathit{2}}
\newcommand{\Jfour }{\mathit{4}}
\newcommand{\Jfive }{\mathit{5}}
\newcommand{\Jsix }{\mathit{6}}
\newcommand{\Jnine }{\mathit{9}}
\newcommand{\Bzero }{\boldsymbol{0}}
\newcommand{\Bone }{\boldsymbol{1}}
\newcommand{\Btwo }{\boldsymbol{2}}
\newcommand{\Bfour }{\boldsymbol{4}}
\newcommand{\Bfive }{\boldsymbol{5}}
\newcommand{\Bsix }{\boldsymbol{6}}
\newcommand{\Bnine }{\boldsymbol{9}}
\newcommand{\Balpha }{\boldsymbol{\alpha} }
\newcommand{\Bbeta }{\boldsymbol{\beta} }
\newcommand{\Bgamma }{\boldsymbol{\gamma} }
\newcommand{\Bdelta }{\boldsymbol{\delta} }
\newcommand{\Bepsilon}{\boldsymbol{\epsilon} }
\newcommand{\Bvareps }{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon} }
\newcommand{\Bzeta }{\boldsymbol{\zeta} }
\newcommand{\Beta }{\boldsymbol{\eta} }
\newcommand{\Btheta }{\boldsymbol{\theta} }
\newcommand{\Bvarthe }{\boldsymbol{\vartheta} }
\newcommand{\Biota }{\boldsymbol{\iota} }
\newcommand{\Bkappa }{\boldsymbol{\kappa} }
\newcommand{\Blambda }{\boldsymbol{\lambda} }
\newcommand{\Bmu }{\boldsymbol{\mu} }
\newcommand{\Bnu }{\boldsymbol{\nu} }
\newcommand{\Bxi }{\boldsymbol{\xi} }
\newcommand{\Bpi }{\boldsymbol{\pi} }
\newcommand{\Brho }{\boldsymbol{\rho} }
\newcommand{\Bvrho }{\boldsymbol{\varrho} }
\newcommand{\Bsigma }{\boldsymbol{\sigma} }
\newcommand{\Bvsigma }{\boldsymbol{\varsigma} }
\newcommand{\Btau }{\boldsymbol{\tau} }
\newcommand{\Bupsilon}{\boldsymbol{\upsilon} }
\newcommand{\Bphi }{\boldsymbol{\phi} }
\newcommand{\Bvarphi }{\boldsymbol{\varphi} }
\newcommand{\Bchi }{\boldsymbol{\chi} }
\newcommand{\Bpsi }{\boldsymbol{\psi} }
\newcommand{\Bomega }{\boldsymbol{\omega} }
\newcommand{\BGamma }{\boldsymbol{\Gamma} }
\newcommand{\BDelta }{\boldsymbol{\Delta} }
\newcommand{\BTheta }{\boldsymbol{\Theta} }
\newcommand{\BLambda }{\boldsymbol{\Lambda} }
\newcommand{\BXi }{\boldsymbol{\Xi} }
\newcommand{\BPi }{\boldsymbol{\Pi} }
\newcommand{\BSigma }{\boldsymbol{\Sigma} }
\newcommand{\BUpsilon}{\boldsymbol{\Upsilon} }
\newcommand{\BPhi }{\boldsymbol{\Phi} }
\newcommand{\BPsi }{\boldsymbol{\Psi} }
\newcommand{\BOmega }{\boldsymbol{\Omega} }
\newcommand{\Fzero }{\mathsf{0}}
\newcommand{\Fone }{\mathsf{1}}
\newcommand{\Ftwo }{\mathsf{2}}
\newcommand{\Ffour }{\mathsf{4}}
\newcommand{\Ffive }{\mathsf{5}}
\newcommand{\Fsix }{\mathsf{6}}
\newcommand{\Fnine }{\mathsf{9}}
\newcommand{\Kzero }{\mathfrak{0}}
\newcommand{\Kone }{\mathfrak{1}}
\newcommand{\Ktwo }{\mathfrak{2}}
\newcommand{\Kfour }{\mathfrak{4}}
\newcommand{\Kfive }{\mathfrak{5}}
\newcommand{\Ksix }{\mathfrak{6}}
\newcommand{\Knine }{\mathfrak{9}}
\newcommand{\Lin}{\mathop{\rm Lin}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\modop}{\mathop{\rm mod}\nolimits}
\renewcommand{\div}{\mathop{\rm div}\nolimits}
\newcommand\varn[3]{D_{#2}#1\cdot #3}
\newcommand{\abr}[1]{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}
\newcommand{\abrn}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
\newcommand{\deriv}[2]{\frac{d #1}{d #2}}
\newcommand{\dderiv}[2]{\frac{d^2 #1}{d {#2}^2}}
\newcommand{\partd}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
\newcommand{\dv}{\, dv}
\newcommand{\dx}{\, dx}
\newcommand{\ds}{\, ds}
\newcommand{\da}{\, da}
\newcommand{\dV}{\, dV}
\newcommand{\dA}{\, dA}
\newcommand{\dabr}[1]{\left\langle\!\left\langle #1 \right\rangle\!\right\rangle}
\newcommand{\dabrn}[1]{\langle\!\langle #1 \rangle\!\rangle}
Time dependent problems are commonplace in physics, chemistry and many other
disciplines. In this post, I’ll introduce the FE formulation of linear
time-dependent problems and derive formulas for explicit and implicit Euler
The weak formulation of a first order time-dependent problem reads:
Find $u \in V$ such that
m(\dot{u}, v; t) + a(u,v; t) = b(v; t)
for all $v \in V$ and $t \in [0,\infty)$.
We can convert \eqref{eq:timedependentweak1} into a system of equations
\BM(t)\dot{\Bu} + \BA(t)\Bu = \Bb(t)
where the components of the matrices and vectors involved are calculated as
M^{I\!J}(t) &= m(N^J, N^I; t) \\
A^{I\!J}(t) &= a(N^J, N^I; t) \\
b^{I}(t) &= b(N^I; t).
If we further discretize in time with the finite difference
$\dot{u} \approx [u_{n+1}-u_n]/{\Delta t}$, linearity allows us to write
m(\dot{u}, v; t)
\approx \frac{1}{\Delta t} [m(u_{n+1}, v; t_{n+1}) - m(u_n, v; t_n)]
This reflects on the system as
\BM(t)\dot{\Bu} \approx
\frac{1}{\Delta t} [\BM_{n+1}\Bu_{n+1} - \BM_n\Bu_n]
Here, $u_{n+1}:= u(x, t_{n+1})$,
$\BM_{n+1} = \BM(t_{n+1})$
and vice versa for $u_n$ and $\BM_n$.
Explicit Euler Scheme
For the explicit Euler scheme, we substitute evaluate the remaining terms at $t_n$
\frac{1}{\Delta t} [m(u_{n+1}, v; t_{n+1}) - m(u_n, v; t_n)]
+ a(u_n,v; t_n) = b(v; t_n)
\forall v \in V\,.
The corresponding system is
\frac{1}{\Delta t} [\BM_{n+1}\Bu_{n+1} - \BM_n\Bu_n]
+ \BA_n\Bu_n = \Bb_n
The update equation becomes
\Bu_{n+1} = \BM_{n+1}\inv [\BM_n\Bu_n + \Delta t(\Bb_n - \BA_n\Bu_n)]
If $m$ is time-independent, that is $m(\dot{u}, v;t) = m(\dot{u}, v)$, we have
\Bu_{n+1} = \Bu_n + \Delta t\, \BM\inv(\Bb_n - \BA_n\Bu_n)
Implicit Euler Scheme
For the implicit Euler scheme, we substitute evaluate the remaining terms at $t_{n+1}$
\frac{1}{\Delta t} [m(u_{n+1}, v; t_{n+1}) - m(u_n, v; t_n)]
+ a(u_n,v; t_{n+1}) = b(v; t_{n+1})
\forall v \in V\,.
The corresponding system is
\frac{1}{\Delta t} [\BM_{n+1}\Bu_{n+1} - \BM_n\Bu_n]
+ \BA_{n+1}\Bu_{n+1} = \Bb_{n+1}
The update equation becomes
\Bu_{n+1} = [\BM_{n+1}+\Delta t \BA_{n+1}]\inv [\BM_n\Bu_n + \Delta t \,\Bb_{n+1}]
If $m$ is time-independent, one can just substitute $\BM=\BM_{n+1}=\BM_n$.
Example: Reaction-Advection-Diffusion Equation
The IBVP of a linear reaction-advection-diffusion problem reads
\partd{u}{t} &=
\nabla\dtp(\BD\nabla u) - \nabla\dtp(\Bc u) + ru + f
\qquad&& \text{in} \qquad&& \Omega\times I\\
u &= \bar{u} && \text{on} && \del\Omega\times I\\
u &= u_0 && \text{in} && \Omega, t = 0 \\
where $t\in I = [0,\infty)$,
- $\BD$ is a second-order tensor describing the diffusivity of $u$,
- $\Bc$ is a vector describing the velocity of advection,
- $r$ is a scalar describing the rate of reaction,
- and $f$ is a source term for $u$.
The weak formulation is then
Find $u \in V$ such that
\int_\Omega \dot{u} v \dv =
\int_\Omega [\nabla\dtp(\BD\nabla u) - \nabla\dtp(\Bc u) + ru + f] v \dv
for all $v \in V$ and $t \in I$.
We have the following integration by parts relationships:
\int_\Omega \nabla \dtp(\BD\nabla u) v \dv
= \cancel{\int_\Omega \nabla\dtp(v\BD\nabla u) \dv}
- \int_\Omega (\BD\nabla u)\dtp\nabla v \dv
for the diffusive part and
\int_\Omega \nabla\dtp(\Bc u) v \dv
= \cancel{\int_\Omega \nabla \dtp (\Bc u v) \dv}
- \int_\Omega u \Bc \dtp \nabla v \dv
for the advective part. The canceled terms are due to divergence theorem and
the fact that $v=0$ on the boundary. Then our variational formulation is of
the form \eqref{eq:timedependentweak1} where
m(\dot{u}, v) &= \int_\Omega \dot{u} v \dv \\
a(u, v) &= \int_\Omega (\BD\nabla u) \dtp \nabla v \dv
- \int_\Omega u\Bc \dtp \nabla v \dv
- \int_\Omega ruv \dv \\
b(v) &= \int_\Omega fv \dv
From these forms, we obtain the following system matrices and vector
M^{I\!J} &= \int_\Omega N^J N^I \dv \\
A^{I\!J} &= \int_\Omega (\BD\BB^J) \dtp \BB^I \dv
- \int_\Omega N^J\Bc \dtp \BB^I \dv
- \int_\Omega r N^JN^I \dv \\
b^I &= \int_\Omega f N^I \dv
where $\BM$ is constant through time.